Modern Hollywood Regency Style Before and after Part 1

Fabric is old and dirty

Fabric is old and dirty

Now, with new fabric

Now, with new fabric






As you can see I love these vintage cane chairs  quite a bit.LOL.  I was so happy to found the settee/bench.  Let me  share the  before images.

The before

The before

The old velvet fabric was removed and I gave them a good clean.  I want to keep the classy style and I used 3 yards (60″ wide) of a beautiful brocade fabric. After surfing the in  I came to a conclusion  that Hollywood Regency colors was  definitely  the style I was  aiming for. I have used semi gloss spray paint from Rustleoum the primer and paint kind.

The inspiration

The inspiration

Above: Here is the inspiration.

Below: This is how my settee looks like so far. The chair is still drying but I couldnt resist posting my first picture.

The settee- after

The settee- after

I am planning to make some small decorative pillows. Next week you will see the cane chair after is done.

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