Tag Archives: Vintage Bicycle

Do you remember Western Auto?

Western Auto was a specialty retail that supplied auto parts and accessories. Also was known for  selling Western Flyer bicycle.  I remember back in the 70’s, when I was a little girl, my mom used to shop for auto parts for her car. While waiting for her, I had to look at the bikes. My eyes were all over. Wow! Nice bicycles. I have never had one of these bicycles as a kid.  But now there are some in our vintage collection at The Vintage Lab.  Later on I will add in the gallery additional images of the different ones we are working on.

Western Flyer

Western Flyer

Schwinn Jaguar Mark IV

Cushion saddle

Cushion saddle

Schwinn Jaguar Mark IV

Schwinn Jaguar Mark IV

26' , coaster brake, white wall tires, chrome fenders

26′ , coaster brake, white wall tires, chrome fenders

Awesome bicycle tank

Awesome bicycle tank

Spring-type fork

Spring-type fork

Our latest find is Schwinn Jaguar Mark IV.   It is an awesome middleweight men’s

bicycle with many features including deluxe chrome trim, rear carrier, horn, cushion

saddle and spring-type fork.  I have to tell you  when I first saw it, I couldn’t stop

looking at its radiant color and amazing  chrome trim.  Mark IV models are from

1959 to all the way to 1962. 100% American made.

Wartime finish

See post about 1943 SBA roadster wartime finish by BSA Museaum

Great bicycle, 1943 BSA Roadster wartime finish

1944 BSA women's bicycle

1943 BSA women’s bicycle




BSA chainring

BSA chainring

BSA original handlebar grips

British Bicycle

British Bicycle


BSA chainring

Allow me to introduce to you our 1943 BSA Roadster. It is displayed at our home courtyard which is an extension of  our  vintage home decor.

1967 Schwinn Copperstone Panther

This is a 2 speed back kick. Love how it rides. Copperstone is a deluxe Schwinn color. Gorgeous bicycle!!
What do you think?